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Monday, May 3, 2010


Monday, May 3, 2010
Tokyo, March 8, 2010 - Juniper Networks ®, Inc.. (NYSE: JNPR), a world leader in high performance networking, today announced the successful implementation of the project "arrownet" at the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE). With the support of Juniper Networks M series multiservice Edge Routers and Junos operating system, is arrownet TSE network with low latency and high capacity and reliability that support securities trading system, the most recent: Arrowhead.

TSE middle of putting some IT innovations, including arrownet, which will pave the way for a Universal Trade Exchange for the securities, options and derivatives. TSE chose Juniper Networks M320 and M120 multiservice Edge Routers for the core layer and a new network who accessed them. This choice is made based on performance, reliability and track record with the stock performance of Juniper and other carriers.

"We want our IT infrastructure secure, reliable and able to quickly accommodate and adapt to changing market conditions," said Yoshinori Suzuki, Managing Director and CIO of Tokyo Stock Exchange. "With high-performance router placed Juniper, arrownet become a very important networking platform where we build the Arrowhead. Answer with very low latency that has been found to investors after the launch of Arrowhead arrownet prove that meets our vision to provide world-class trading infrastructure that is able to compete, and even surpass any other in world financial markets. "

As a robust MPLS network, arrownet designed for fast data communication with the high volume, with a latency below two milliseconds (latency that has been measured under a millisecond) from the point of access to the data center. This network is configured like a ring with Me Series Juniper Networks routers are placed with double redundancy. This makes infrastructure arrownet have high tolerance for mistakes. This configuration also provides the ability to move the service from the main TSE data center to a backup data center without the intervention of the securities firms, which reduce their workload.

"TSE understand that every millisecond is important in the current trading environment," said Kevin Johnson, Chief Executive Officer of Juniper Networks. "Our partnership with the TSE is evidence of innovation that we have run through the silicon, software and systems to remove the latency of the network. TSE now has the most sophisticated financial trading networks in the world, this network is flexible enough to meet the evolving needs of the trade while continuing to provide speed, reliability and security demanded by their customers. "

TSE offers its securities firms the opportunity to put their system at the same location with the Exchange data center, which minimizes latency inter-system, while linking them to their office and data center via multiple access points arrownet. Furthermore, the flexibility and scalability architecture TSE arrownet provide the ability to connect with financial institutions and foreign exchange.

Juniper Networks M Series is a family of multi-service edge router with high performance, with features like Advanced Routing virutalisasi MPLS networks, Multicast latency and reliability of low-level carrier that provides flexibility and exceptional reliability with extensive connectivity options. Advanced routing features that uniquely offered on a sole source Junos operating system has been running consistently in the Juniper routing platforms. This gives the TSE ability to reduce the time needed to roll out new services and significantly reduce network operating costs.


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